The story is played by a different kind of artists. Shankari shopkeepers are to keep themselves in the market, sometimes Bohemian village girl. The audience in the attempt to stop identity with the character of something like this.
The continuation of Jim and Jimmy called Nusrat Imroz Tisha made a drama starring Gene botalabandi. It is written and directed montasira marketing.
The play can be seen in the story of the ordinary had twenty foot gym, a writer by profession. There is no end of problems in his life. Every stage of life has been a joke with him. Jim wants to change the lives of heart. A glass bottle gives up his life suddenly changed. Because one has to pick up the botalatite jinakanya. This story goes on through the genes with different drama.
The film context Tisha said, "This is the first time such a role was played. It has some great experience. Imagine yourself during the shooting of Jean Hussey said. I hope the story of the play the audience will be amused