Bollywood actress Kajal Aggarwal. While Bollywood films are known in the Southern film has worked. Beyond the boundaries of his worldwide fame.
Usually a romantic movie and she played the daughter santasista nature. However, the items in the song fell Kajal Aggarwal has come.
Kajol was offered a role in the item song many times before. But the offer was refused. Now for the first time, people in the garage, "he has appeared as a movie aitemakanya.
Ahead of the release of the movie has been released recently: "Solid Local titled song teaser items. Kajal it appeared as himself in such a way that he had never before been seen.
There is quite a large fee for the item song Kajol. That being said so far the most expensive item songs in Tamil films. Has worked well for a lot of that has been painted.
Earlier bindabanama, and temapara King Jr. NTR in the film and Kajol were found. Their chemistry was seen in the item song.
"The crowd was directed gyarejasinemati koratala vixen. The central role of Junior NTR, Mohanlal, Samantha and nitiya Menon.