step 1: First Go to this site Google webmaster
step 2: Then Click ADD A SITE
step 3: Then write your website name in box
then clickcontinue.
step 4: Then clickAlternate method
step 5: Then tick HTML TAG box.
step 6: Then you will show a meta tag like this
(Every website content code is different)
Step 7:Copy this code and paste it in
yourHEAD TAGS(Like For wapka
user:Login>EDIT SITE>Global Setting>HEAD
tags (meta,style,…)>Then paste this meta
code>Click set)
Step 8:Then go step 6 and click VERIFY.
step 9:Then you will show
Congratulations, you have successfully
verified your ownership of http:// or Any Subdomain.Then
step 10: Then click Sitemaps.
step 11:Then click ADD/TEST SITEMAP.
step 12: Then you will show a box.Just write
step 13: Then Click Submit Sitemap.
step 14:Then you show your sitemap submitted
then click Refresh the page.
step 14:Now okay, your sitemap submitted.
step 15: Now this step is most important.
i will give you a meta code which code help
google robot to index your site regularly.Before
paste this code change your keywords n discretions. then just paste it in HEAD
Edit Robots File (robots.txt)
This I’ll say that it plays the greatest
role in SEO because with this tool you
can tell the google bot,what to Nofollow
and can also set the action of
crawler etc.
wapka has this tool as a default tool.In
the past i saw some post teaching that
wapka default robot text file is not
sending away google bot but that’s a
lie because uptil today am still using
wapka default robot text file.
Below is my robot text file.
User-agent: Slurp
Disallow: /
User-agent: *
Crawl-delay: 60
Edit sitemap file (sitemap.xml)
go to Global Settings> Edit sitemap file (sitemap.xml)
Insert only site ID, of sites, which you want to
place in the file sitemap.xml for google SEO.
You can add also links of forums in form fID .
For example: 0,1,2,10,223,f123,f456
Now all is done,your site is now index
google.To see his just go to
and write google search box like this
site: or any subdomain like
If you don’t see your site pls wait 1-2 days
google robot index your all site properly in
google search box.
………Stay with us……….